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Why is intelligent sequencing so important?

This Saturday we begin 50 hour Super Sequencing and Assists. We've been very excited about this for some time and checked in with Noelle to find out why this training is particularly important for her. From Noelle: "I am extremely passionate about sequencing. When a sequence is intelligent and well thought out it takes the body on a journey, guiding it to places you might never have thought possible. TKV Desikachar, in one of my all-time favourite quotes, says, “All definitions of yoga have one thing in common. The idea that something changes and we arrive at a point where we have never been before. That which was impossible becomes possible, that which was unattainable becomes attainable, that which was invisible can be seen. One of the reasons people take up yoga is to be able to change something about themselves, to be able to think more clearly, to be able to act better today than they did yesterday in all areas of their lives.” In Super Sequencing and Assists we'll spend a whole fifty hours exploring the theory and practice of vinyasa krama, or intelligent sequencing. You'll feel it right in your body – working out how to purposefully select asana, looking at component parts, counterpose theory, transitional movements and so much more. By the end of our time together you will understand the importance of the question WHY? You should always be able to answer the question: Why was that asana in your sequence and what purpose did it have?" When: 8.30am-5pm Saturday and Sunday, August 6-7 and 13-14, 2016. BodyMindLife Surry Hills


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