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Learning to shine as a Kids Yoga Teacher

How many people’s jobs involve roaring like a lion and flying into space?

Mum of two, Rae Thorneloe does just that since becoming a Kids Yoga Teacher; an occupation that keeps her young, fills her days with hugs…. and has turned her into a school canteen celebrity!

Kids Yoga is a currently booming, as the world awakens to the benefit of teaching children the skills to breathe and balance their way through life.

We spent 5 minutes with Rae to discover just what makes teaching kids so special.

Why did you become a Kids Yoga Teacher?  Kids are so full of life and love and boundless energy. They’re amazing teachers! Being a mother to two very sporty and energetic boys, I wanted to teach my boys how much fun yoga can be and how they can benefit from the various stretching and strengthening exercises. And also, for them to learn how to breathe. That was my original motivation.

What made you choose the Karma Kids training course?  I’d been attending Beth’s yoga classes for quite a while and I love her teaching style. When she told me about the Karma Kids Course, I thought this is a great opportunity to learn from someone who has such vast knowledge of yoga, and in particular, kids yoga.

What did you learn and what did you enjoy the most about the course?  The course was fabulous, I learnt so much and left with the confidence of knowing I could competently and confidently teach kids yoga to almost any age group. I really enjoyed the course content and meeting and working with other yoga teachers in the course.An opportunity arose about a year ago for me to start teaching kids on a regular basis and I love it!

What's the best thing about teaching kids?  Their willingness to learn, to trust and try something new. The smiles on their faces at the beginning of the class and the bigger smiles at the end of each class. Oh, and the hugs xx Always the hugs xx

Do you have any funny stories to tell?  I was volunteering at the canteen of my son’s school recently and a little girl came up to buy something. I thought I recognised her face and she was looking at me inquisitively. I couldn’t remember where I knew her face from and it was very busy so the moment passed. At lunchtime she came back to the counter and asked me if I taught kids yoga, to which I replied “Yes”…….and then she asked “Are you Miss Rae from Karma Kids Yoga?” And we both smiled and recognised each other from her preschool, where I’d taught her the year before she started school. xxx


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